Polish Crowdfunding Society aims at changing crowdfunding landscape in Poland

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Capital market regulations and administrational barriers connected mostly with public money gatherings are limiting the development of crowdfunding in Poland with almost 40 million people strong nation. As popularity of talent shows, start-up events and my talks with many people prove – Poles demand crowdfunding. Money is not the only thing. Rather than that, marketing, co-creation and social media buzz are worth using this mechanism for transforming ideas into real world acts. And people understand that.

Creating an environment for CF development will be a hard nut to crack. It requires deregulation of public money gatherings, changing many legal acts, as well as educating the market and promoting good practices. In march 2012 representatives of NGOs, fundations, business and enthusiasts of crowdfunding established an organisation, that will put efforts to make crowdfunding an alternative for traditional financing sources. Polish Crowdfunding Society is the first inistitution in Poland that integrates people and their visions of using crowdfunding and will focus on changing the current landscape.

I, personally brought crowdfunding to Poland by starting a blog, promoting this mechanism and now, as the market is making it’s first steps, at Crowdfunding.pl Ltd I’m offering a few services connected with this mechanism. There are many people thinking about kickstarter clones, about new means of collecting money and about making their ideas happen. The thing is, they’re afraid of legal problems, after three CF platforms has been closed by the authorities. Still, there’re a few social lending platforms, as well as reward-based and charity crowdfunding ones. And many Poles looking for capital on kickstarter, indiegogo and other crowdfunding leading platforms. Ridiculous, huh?

oferta crowdfunding.pl

The same barriers affect crowdfunding development in almost every country in Europe. That’s why European Crowdfunding Network has been established. People want to make changes and organise at the lowest level of society to influence the politicians and decidents on top.

I’m observing what is happening in the US, that’s kind of revolution. Creating new market or market niche  was never as transparent, as social, as widely talked in the media and as popular with the crowds. I must confess I’m pretty jealous of not being out there.


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Karol Król

Karol Król

Od 2010 prowadzę crowdfunding.pl i angażuję się w zrównoważony rozwój sektora finansowania społecznościowego w Polsce i w Europie. Zapraszam do dyskusji!

2 komentarze

  1. Karol, you may have already heard about this, but here’s the link:


    Just joined the European Crowdfunding Network – thanks for the link. I plan to visit Europe sometime soon to research what’s happening with crowdfunding in Poland & the rest of Europe and investigate business opportunities. I will let you know when I launch my fundraising campaign on Indiegogo.com.

    1. Indeed I did, but thanks a lot daniel! Feel free to contact anytime you want and don’t forget to tell a story about your future CF project.

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