Mój facebookowy znajomy, raczej dalszy niż bliższy, poinformował mnie, że ma swój projekt na kickstarterze (+1 do lansu). Sprawdziłem i faktycznie ma (+2 do lansu). Ten projekt to film nt. finansowania społecznościowego (+10 do lansu i inwestycja ode mnie!).
Timon Birkfoher i jego zespół zbierają 80 000 dolarów na kickstarterze na pełnometrażowy film dokumentalny nt. crowdfundingu. Capital C – how the crowd liberates itself ma być produkcją ukazującą finansowanie społecznościowe z punktu widzenia różnych interesariuszy – właścicieli platform, pomysłodawców, wspierających, regulatorów i naukowców. Nagrody zaa wsparcie:
- 10$ – nazwisko w napisach końcowych
- 25$ – kopia DVD filmu
- 50$ – filma na DVD + książka
- …
- 7 500$ – prywatny, zamknięty pokaz filmu z udziałem całej ekipy we wskazanym miejscu
Krótki wywiad z Timonem, który przeprowadziłem na chacie:
KK: Where this idea came from?
TB: Well, when we first heard about the concept of crowdfunding we were so excited about the whole idea that we tried to get any information that was available out there. The more research we did, the more questions we raised. So we ended up doing the first feature-length documentary about crowdfunding.
But of course not only to answer our own questions, but to get this idea into the hands of more and more people, to raise awareness.
KK: Why kickstarter, while there are many other possibilities?
TB: At this point, Kickstarter is the largest crowdfunding platform in the world. To get the most out of our specific campaign we think it is the best solution. We are aiming on an English speaking audience, and will most likely shoot large parts of our documentary with English speaking interviewees.
It will be very interesting to see how the market will develop when Kickstarter opens up internationally.
KK: What’s your experience in making movies?
TB: Up to now I was working in different team constellations on a broad variety of productions, such as music videos for large record companies, TV commercials for different kinds of brands or documentaries.
KK: Are you already working on Capital C?
TB: We already did a lot of research and preparation. We will continue our meetings with very interesting interviewees and it’s already hard to decide which statement and story will make it into the final cut of the movie, since we are aiming to keep CAPITAL C in a feature length format. During the next weeks we will announce some of our interviewees who are really exceptional. I’m very proud and happy to be able working together with such people. After we would have raised our funding goal we start shooting in the US and Europe this summer. But first we hope for the support of the crowd on KICKSTARTER to make CAPITAL C become a reality!
Ja wsparłem projekt (Bitch, I’m crowdfunding, czyli jak wsparłem projekt na kickstarterze) i zachęcam Was do tego także. Więcej informacji na stronie filmu i kickstarterze.
[edit: Projekt osiągnął cel finansowy 3 dni przed końcem zbiórki!]
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