english version
Equity crowdfunding in the EU – analysis
Equity crowdfunding is developing very quickly in the European Union. For my upcoming book on equity crowdfunding based...
Why invest in community banks [infographic]
Source: Secondmarket.com
Crowdfunding statistics [infographic]
Crowdfunding statistics based on massolution's industry reports 2012 and 2013, created by GoGetFunding. Source: blog.gogetfunding.com
Doing crowdfunding on emerging markets [CSW Berlin]
Presentation from Crowdsourcing's Week event "Future of Crowdfunding". Crowdfunding on emerging markets (future of crowdfunding, crowdsourcing week berlin)...
First European Crowdfunding Week
First European Crowdfunding Week is coming! From December 7, 2012 to December 14, 2012, 3 events, all over...
Crowdfunding in Poland 2012 – an important event you might want to support
Central and Eastern Europe is a considerably huge market in the meaning of population, capital and ideas. There...
Million dollar kickstarter projects [infografika]
Źródło: crowdsourcing.org
Emotional rate of return – is it calculable?
While considering motivations of crowdfunding projects' supporters there are many thoughts and ideas of how to predict the...
Crowdfunding – „little finance”, huge opportunity
Crowdfunding is more and more treated as an alternative source of venture capital for SMEs. There aren't however...
Polish Crowdfunding Society is making changes [conference]
Today, on 31st May 2012 in Warsaw a first conference on crowdfunding in Poland will be held. People...
International Crowd Funding Association (ICFA) połączyła siły z National Crowd Funding Board
Obie organizacje stanowiły ciała doradcze i lobbingowe w obszarze finansowania społecznościowego, aktywne szczególnie w trakcie procesu legislacyjnego, który...
Polish Crowdfunding Society aims at changing crowdfunding landscape in Poland
Capital market regulations and administrational barriers connected mostly with public money gatherings are limiting the development of crowdfunding...