Badanie sektora alternatywnych finansów – pokażmy siłę Polski

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Uniwersytet Cambridge we współpracy z ekspertami i organizacjami branżowymi prowadzi najważniejsze badanie sektora alternatywnych finansów w Europie. Po raz trzeci mam przyjemność współpracować przy przygotowaniu tych analiz, które docelowo będą dostępne bezpłatnie dla wszystkich zainteresowanych. Wierzę, że platformy oraz interesariusze włączą się do wspólnych działań na rzecz rozwoju branży!

Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance to jednostka naukowa powołana przez słynny uniwersytet do analizy i wsparcia rozwoju dynamicznie rozwijającego się segmentu na rynku finansowym. Tzw. alternatywne finanse obejmują crowdfunding, crowdinvesting, pożyczki społecznościowe i wiele innych mechanizmów finansowych opartych na zaangażowaniu indywidualnych dostawców kapitału. Wyniki badania „Alternative Finance Benchmarking Survey” są głównym źródłem danych dla branży, administracji, inwestorów oraz naukowców.

“European Crowdfunding Network welcomes the research activities of the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, now in its third year, establishing a reliable benchmark of the alternative finance sector. We need more transparent and recurring data on the operations of debt-based crowdfunding, but also the riskier securities-based crowdfunding operations across Europe in order to establish a professional and sustainable industry.” Oliver Gajda, European Crowdfunding Network.

“Alternative finance in Poland is finally maturing and becomes a real choice for great companies and project creators. Nevertheless I see a strong need for international research and exchange of best practices provided by experts in this field. Common efforts to build a sustainable environment for financing of high-growth companies are very important, which makes next edition of Alternative Finance Industry Survey a foundation for the future.” Karol Król, Collaborative Economy Centre.

“FPF is proud to support the excellent report realized by the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance. Each year, this analysis shows the diversity of the industry and the dynamic across Europe of our sector. The report is not just about the amounts raised in each European country but gives also inputs on the investors’ behaviour, the perception and the evolution of the national regulations, and a prospective of the alternative finance sector. Alternative finance is still a drop in the ocean of finance and this report contributes to promote the sector and encourages Europeans to take part in this new way of financing and dedicate a part of their savings in real economy.” Florence de Maupeou, Financement Participatif France.

“We are happy to follow a growing tradition in contribution to this important report. It has become the backbone and main source of statistics and facts about European alternative finance in general, and crowdfunding in particular. And as such, it has become the de-facto source for industry data, which helps all stakeholders in understanding current trends, and strategizing towards the future.” Rotem Shneor, Nordic Crowdfunding Alliance.

“CrowdfundingHub is a huge supporter for transparency and insights in the Alternative Finance industry and is supporting the European Alternative Finance benchmarking study since the first edition in 2015. Also, this year we are interested to learn about the growth of the Alternative Finance industry in Europe and we are looking forward to work closely with researchers from Cambridge University to collect and analyse the Benelux data.” Ronald Kleverlaan, CrowdfundingHub.

“In the last year, the Crowdfunding ecosystem in Central and Eastern Europe, has matured. Especially equity- and lending platforms have seen a new boost. The new edition of the Alternative Finance Benchmarking Report for Europe will show whether Eastern Europe is catching up and I am delighted to contribute to this academic study.” Karsten Wenzlaff, University of Hamburg and Expert on Crowdfunding in Central and Eastern Europe.

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Karol Król

Karol Król

Od 2010 prowadzę i angażuję się w zrównoważony rozwój sektora finansowania społecznościowego w Polsce i w Europie. Zapraszam do dyskusji!

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